What is God’s true name?

Yah (God) said He is a God that never changes! “For I am the Yahuah, I do not change” – Malachi 3:6

He is the God of Israel, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Thus says the YAHUAH, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, YAHUAH of hosts I am the First and I am the Last: Besides Me there is no God” – Isaiah 44:6

“That they may believe that Yahuah The Elohim of their fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has appeared to you” – Exodus 4:5 

This means He is a God that has a Hebrew name! When someone acknowledges us we are not called “human” we are called by our name! We should do the same with God! For “God or Lord” is a title but His name is YAH!!! as you can see in these verses in The Bible:

“Sing to Elohim, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His name YAH and rejoice before Him” – Psalms 68:4 

“Trust in the YAH forever, For in YAHUAH is everlasting strength” – Isaiah 26:4 

As The Bible was first written in Hebrew then translated into Greek, then into English, in those translations instead of using God’s actual name, they wrote “Lord”, as you will see that a majority of the time in The Bible. This four-letter name of the Almighty was written in the original Hebrew text of the Scriptures over 6,800 times! However, when the text was translated into English, the Name of יהוה was replaced with the words ‘Lord’ and ‘God’ (written in small caps).

This is YAH written in Hebrew:

Paleo Hebrew is the oldest form of the Hebraic language, then the Aramaic language came years later and Modern Hebrew is what we have today. Hebrew scholars believe that these Hebrew writings mean “Yahuah” when transfigured. Most people are familiar with “Yahweh” which comes from the Greek translation!

Though most Christian believers use and are familiar with Yahweh, I do believe Yahuah is His true name. What confirmed this for me is if you take a look at the biblical prophets, the disciples and Jesus’ name in Hebrews, you will see the letters “Yahu”  in the spelling. This confirmed to me YAH was trying to preserve His name through His prophets and disciples. Here are the examples:

Jesus Christ                                                         YAHUshua Ha Mashiach 

Jeremiah                                                                YirmeYAHU

Isaiah                                                                          YeshaYAHU

Matthew                                                                    MattithYAHU

I believe the most important thing is that He is called YAH which is most consistent throughout all versions of scriptures if you look up all the verses above (Psalms 68:4 and Isaiah 44:6)

The reason why it’s so important to get to know God’s true name is because in The Bible He mentions calling on His name! YAH said when we call on His name HE will deliver us, so that means there is major power in calling and praying in the name of YAH!!!

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name” – Psalms 91:14 

Even in Joel 2, which makes reference to the end times which we are currently living in, God tells us that calling on His name will issue forth His power to save us.

“For it shall be all who shall call on the name of YAH shall be saved. For salvation shall be in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, as YAH has said…..” Joel 2:32 

This is why it’s important to get to know our Heavenly Father’s name as well as His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, who’s true Hebrew name is Yahushua Ha Mashiach! The name Jesus was adopted by Greek and Latin writers but the letter “J” is not in the Hebrew alphabet! Some believe Jesus Hebrew name is “Yeshua”, but this word only means salvation in Hebrew! This is why Yahushua said that He did not come in His own name but He came in His Father in Heaven’s name!

Yahushua said “I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive ME” – John 5:43 

That is why YAH is in Yahushua! To come in someone’s name you have to share the name with that person. Yahushua means “YAH saves” or “YAH delivers”. This has a significance because YAH has told us that He gave His only begotten Son so that we can all be saved!

“For YAH so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believers in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

In the times we are living in, the names “God” and “Lord” are so generic, and there are many false gods and false religions that use those generic names as well. There is only one true Living God! I believe it’s best to call on His name so that the world may know who you are talking about, and His name is Yah and His begotten Son Yahushua Ha Mashiach!!!

Will you start to pray in the name of YAH and YAHUSHUA?

Leave a comment below sharing your thoughts!  

YAHUSHUA over Everything


1 thought on “What is God’s true name?”

  1. Stumbled into this content by chance but I’m sure glad I clicked on that link. You definitely answered all the questions I have been dying to answer for some time now. Will without doubt come back for more of this. Thank you so much

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