What this life throws at us, sometimes wants to make us quit, especially on this walk of faith! God gave us the heart of a Champion! When things get tough God has put His strength in our spirits (2 Tim 1:7) so we can have the ability to dig deep and keep going!
I’ve been through tough battles physically, and now spiritually I can attest that these belts I have in the video above symbolize a champion… but what makes a champion is not how many belts or trophies one has…
It’s the heart willing to endure any obstacle to obtain it!
To each is his own… as I matured I realized that the greatest championship trophy for me is being in God’s presence (Psalms 16:11) and obtaining that crown of Glory (1 Cor 9:24)! There’s a fire in my heart and bones to obtain it, it does not matter the obstacles or trials I have to go through!!!
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” – Romans 8:18
Where we stumble is not where God wants us to lay! Just because we made a mistake we can’t believe the devils lie that it is the end of us! When we stumble we must realize we have the resurrection power of Christ in us to always get back up and go harder for His Glory! (1 Peter 1:3)
Those who read this and feel like quitting and giving up, I pose these questions to you:
Do you have the will to win?
Do you have the strength to dig deep and keep fighting when things get tough?
I will answer that for you, it is YES you do, if you believe and choose to! Yah said because in our weakness His strength is made perfect! (2 Cor 12:9). Yah said those who wait on Him shall be renewed in their strength, we shall run and not be weary and we shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31)
To be willing to endure shows traits of a true champion! We are called to be Champions of God! We have to start somewhere, we are what we repeatedly do in excellence, therefore it is not an act, but it’s a habit!
This is a prayer I recite every morning so I can start my day with a mindset of a Champion!
For me, I start my day looking at this picture, then I say this:
This day I will be conquering! Action by action, step by step, move by move, conversation by conversation. I wake up being thankful to God for the strength He has given me, knowing this will be another day of excellency! I will get more holy, I will get more pure, I will get more closer to God! What I set out to be done today, I will do! I will defeat the enemy of my soul at all costs. I am a champion!
Everywhere I go, whether it’s my job, at the house, at the gym or outside, I will be victorious! I can do all things in Yahushua (Jesus) name! Even if I stumble in this day, it’s still a victory because I did not fall and stay on the ground, but I got back up and kept fighting! In the trials in which I may stumble, once I get up, I gain more wisdom and life lessons to further complete my destiny! There is fire in my bones!!! For the rest of my life there will be no day that I don’t get up and conquer, as my hand will always be raised every day because He is a faithful God!!! I am God’s Champion!!!!
We are all called to be Champions of God!!! Do you believe?