“Let The Mind of Yahushua (Jesus) be in You” Let’s discuss!

“Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Messiah Yahushua”

The mind of Yahushua (whom the world knows as Jesus) let this mind be in you, not the mind of philosophers and scientist of this world!

Let the mind of Yahushua be in you, we want the exact mindset Yahushua walked with on this earth!

We have to imagine the mind of Yahushua our Messiah in us!!!

The very same Messiah that turned water into wine! The One who even the wind and waves obeyed Him. The One who can walk on water. The One who can cure any disease! The One who can make the blind see and the death hear! The One who can feed 5000’s people with only 5 loaves, The One who name is Wonder Counselor and Prince of Peace! The One who is tempted with everything but He was without sin! The One who was the Word but became Flesh! The One who is The Way, The Truth and The Life! The One who is great Light! The One who sacrifice Himself so that the entire world maybe able to repent and be forgiven! The One who died and rose again! The One who died and would do it again even if it was only me or only you! The One through whom salvation is found!

Let this mind be in you, the mind that was in Yahushua Ha Mashiach, The mind of the One who was and is Elohim in flesh! Let us pray daily that this mind be in us!!!

The mind of Messiah is the same mind of The Most High YAHUAH as They are one (John 10:30)!!! So if the Mind of Messiah is in us, then we should think and act exactly like He would! In order to fully do that we must Walk in the spirit obeying the Ruach (Holy Spirit) that dwells in us, so we can fully surrender to YAHUAH, in all areas of our life!

1 Cor 2:16 For “who has known the mind of Yahuah that he will instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Messiah” 


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