How To Overcome Sin: Part 2B – Renewing and Controlling The Mind! (Controlling The Mind will be discussed)

How to Overcome Sin Part 2B- Renewing and Controlling The Mind! (Controlling The Mind will be discussed)

I learned to overcome sin it takes different steps a person has to take! Those steps are understanding what is sin and its nature and how its transgression against Elohim! Next we have to renew our mind and control the mind,  and controlling will be discussed in article below! In our minds we must rebuke what is not of Him! We have to renew the mind with the word of YAH, after renewing the mind we then have to begin to control the mind with power that was giving to us from above! Then We have to understand what it means to truly trust YAH and Yahushua! Finally after all of that is understood we must resist the devil so He can flee!

There is great power in the mind, as we learn in part 2A in renewing the mind with the word of YAH! Now we will look at how we are to control the mind and the thoughts we consume!

The battle mostly takes place in our mind! that’s where the enemy really attacks us! This why it is supper important to control what we think! We can’t control or stop evil thoughts from coming in but we can control what we let linger in the mind! Paul told us we should develop the mind of Yahushua!  

“Philippians 2:5 let this mind be in you which was also in Messiah Yahushua!”

when we develop the mind of Yahushua we develop the mind of our Elohim

“John 10:30 Yahushua said I and the Father are one!” 

 So when we look at how Yahushua walked this earth, and see some of His ways, we are able to process some of the thoughts He had as walked this earth! 

Though we can point out to a lot of things Yahushua said and did but I think two verses, sum up the foundation of how His mind was wired when He walked the face of the earth!  

“Take My yoke upon you learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find restful your souls, For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” Matthew 11:29 

“Yahushua went a little farther, and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him and He said, Abba all things are possible for You. take this cup away from Me nevertheless not what I will will, but what You will” – Mark 14:36

Yahushua said, be lowly hearted, (which is Humble)!!! In order to be humble like our Messiah We have to surrender our mind to YAH, When we surrender our mind to YAH, we also surrender our will to Him, as Proverbs 23:7 says “For as he thinks in his heart so is he”. So in surrendering our minds we won’t be doing our will anymore it will be the will of our Heavenly Father! This is exactly what Yahushua did as you see in the verses above!   

So how we surrender our mind to YAH? So any thoughts that comes that does not align with His will, should remove it! This was spoke about briefly in part 2A Renewing and controlling the mind! (The link will be below) This is how we control our mind, and engage in spiritual warfare mentally! 

We gotta always mine what we will be thinking about! 

If every thought is strictly on doing our Heavenly Fathers Will, then His will becomes our Will, just like Yahushua said!

“Our thoughts becomes our deeds, so sow a righteous thought, reap a deed, sow a deed, reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character, reap our Heavenly Father destiny for our life…..” 

We are who we think! We have to realize we have control! 

I saw these sayings by a Pastor, I think they are on point! 

 “watch your thoughts keep them strong/ High resolve thinks NO wrong/ 

 watch your thoughts keep them clear/ Perfect love cast out fear/

 watch your thoughts keep them right/ Faith and wisdom bring you light/

watch your thoughts keep them true/ look for YAH He will govern you

“our mind is only as strong as its weakest THINK”

“Mental floss each day/ helps prevent truth decay” 

So to Keep our minds pure like our Messiah Yahushua, we have to engage in spiritual warfare, just like how He did when He was tempted, Yahushua used The Word of Elohim to fight off Satan, controlling His mind keeping, it aligned with our Heavenly Fathers! (Matthew 4:11) 

2 Corth 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in Elohim for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every High thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Yahushua!   

Again this was talked about  this briefly in part 2A (Renewing the Mind)! 

2 Cor 4:4 “whose MINDS the god of this age has blinded who do not believe…..”

as we see “blind mind” in that verse. “blind” is not referring to not being able to see. So a blind person we think something is wrong with their eyes when they can’t see but Paul said “blind mind” which is referencing our mind being clogged with things its not supposed to have in it! See the eyes tell us what we can do, but it’s our mind that determine what we will do, that is why Satan is after the mind! 

Now satan has a unique ability to take his thoughts and put them in the mind of others so they think “its their thoughts”. The devil can assault a persons mind with his cleverness and insert things into their thoughts that we think it’s so real, that they are actually ours.

so we gotta remember we are at war! There is a war against us. There are deadly array of demonic host who are invisible who are dedicated to the destruction of our thought life and they are under the authority of the prince of darkness who is the god of wickedness the devil!

Ephesians 6:16- 17 “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to QUENCH ALL THE FIERY DARTS of the wicked one, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of Elohim

The Word says The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds, What are the strongholds? That is the lies the enemy sends to our minds, as you see clearly in verses above! 

The fiery darts are being sent to your brain when you have negative thoughts “I am not attractive”, “I am loser,” “I am not worthy to serve God”, “I will always be lonely”, “My body is horrible”, “I am not fit to do what YAH called me to do” YAH will never get me out of this situation  etc… These are all lies that need to be cut down with THE SWORD which is the Word of Elohim and we know the Word also is in line with the spirit of truth! 

When we hear those lies we need to say I am not loser, I am perfect and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14) I am worthy to serve God, I am more than conqueror (Romans 8:37) I am not lonely for The Most High will never leave me or forsake me, (Deuteronomy 31:6) etc… 

With every lie their is a part of the Word of Elohim to combat it! 

We gotta remember there is a WAR here!!! where is the battle ground? 

ITS IN OUR MIND! that is the only thing satan has the authority to manipulate! 

Sin is a product of Satan having control over one mind! If we are partaking in sin, willfully we are deciding in our minds to reject YAH, and letting satan rule our minds! 

So there is a war in our mind, Satan desire to conquer and control our thought life and make our thought life a place in which he captured from which he can use and war against Elohim!  So satan wants our mind, because that is how YAH communicates to us, its through our mind! YAH reveals Himself through our mind and conscious! YAH changes us by changing our mind! 

“Repent” in Hebrew means to think differently. This is why Yahushua said

“Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand”  Matt 4:17

We can change the way we live by changing the way we think! Let YAH thoughts be our thoughts and we do that by letting our Heavenly Father will become our will, just like Yahushua showed us how to do when He walked this earth!

“and be renewed in the spirit of the mind “Ephesians 4:23 

This is Part 2B  in “Overcoming Sin Series”. There are other steps one must also do to really overcome sin which is a plague to the human heart! To overcome, it takes understanding about  what sin is, resistance against sin, renewing and controlling the mind with the word of YAH (in which this was discussed in this blog) and truly trusting YAH! The link for the other blogs will be below!


How to overcome Sin: Part 1 – Understanding what Sin is and History of it…

How to Overcome Sin: Part 2A – Renewing and Controlling The Mind! (Renewing The Mind)


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