How To Overcome Sin: Part 1 – Understanding what Sin is and History of it…

How to Overcome Sin Part 1; – Understanding what sin is and history of it…

I learned to overcome sin it takes different steps a person has to take! Those steps are understanding what is sin and its nature and how its transgression against Elohim  and this will be discussed in article below! Next we have to renew our mind and control the mind. In our minds we must rebuke what is not of Him! We have to renew the mind with the word of YAH, after renewing the mind we then have to begin to control the mind with power that was giving to us from above! Then we have to understand what it means to truly trust YAH and Yahushua! Finally after all of that is understood we must resist the devil so He can flee!

 To begin this “overcoming sin” series we must understand we are overcomers through Yahushua! 

Revelation 2:26 “And the one overcoming, and the one keeping my works until the end, I will give to him authority over the nations”

The first step to overcoming sin is understanding what sinning truly is! YAH and Yahushua gave us commandments all throughout The Bible, for those who believe in Them should follow and obey! As you read The Bible and grow in YAH, it is good to read and go over these commands so you can walk in them! 

Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers show a lot of YAH’s commands to the Israelites! So these books are good to go over yourself! The Israelites were a set apart people from the rest of the world! This is what we are called to be today! 

When we don’t obey these commands we sin against our Elohim! We must understand that those who surrender their lives to Yahushua, have the power to overcome ANY sin! We must believe this with all of our heart! 

The next thing to understand is what sin is, how this affects us, and how it separates us from our creator when we willingly or unknowingly decide to sin. It is also good to know and understand what happened to our forefathers (the Israelites) when they sinned and what YAH expects from us when we do partake in sin in this day and age. We will also look at what the consequences are of sin! 

“The wages of Sin equal Death” – Romans 6:23 

Imagine every sin we commit we are supposed to get sentenced to death! It is just like how a judge sentences criminals to penalties when they commit a crime, YAH was supposed to sentence sinners to the death penalty every time they sinned. This is what happened in biblical times of old.

“And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, and he shall die” – Deuteronomy 21:21 

This was in the Levitical Priesthood that was established through the law of Moses, to show the Israelites as a testimony to what happens when we sin or not obey YAH’s Command! Ultimately it lead to death physically and spiritually! 

So because of Yahushua, we are under a different priest hood, which is the Melchizedek priesthood, as He is our High priest now (Hebrews 4:14)! This priesthood DOES NOT remove us from doing what is asked of us in Torah (law) but because YAH has so much grace and mercy by giving us His only begotten Son to forgive us of our sin (John 3:16), under this new priesthood when we sin we are able to repent and be forgiven before we meet Him on Judgement Day!

Before, when you sinned here on earth, you were automatically put to death for your rebellion! So this is the major difference between the Levitical Priesthood and Melchizedek priesthood that we are now under, as we are under this new covenant! 

YAH established in the beginning that blood must be sacrificed for atonement of sin, as we see in the beginning with Adam and Eve. YAH must of shown them how to sacrifice a lamb, because tunics were made for them to wear right after they sinned and it had to come from an animal! (Genesis 3:21). What confirms this, is that Abel also gave an offering of sacrificing a lamb in which we can infer that Abel was taught by Adam and Eve, who were his parents, on how to please YAH with sacrifices (Genesis 4:4). This was officially put into law when the Israelites became a nation, for every sin, blood had to be atone for by High Priest back then. 

Blood represents LIFE! Without blood the body could not live literally!!!

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” – Leviticus 17:11

This is why Yahushua was and is the sacrificial lamb that shed His innocent blood for all! He was the ultimate atonement for every man’s sins! Animal blood could not pay the whole penalty that sinless God, who was in the flesh can! (Isaiah 53:7). This is why Yahushua’s blood is so powerful and has the ability to cleanse and protect us from anything! (Matt. 26:28, Eph. 1:7, Rev. 12:11)  

“And almost All things are purified by blood, according to the Torah (law) , and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” – Hebrews 9:22

YAH sent Yahushua so we can truly be forgiven!!!

“For YAH so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life!” – John 3:16

YAH and Yahushua gave us commandments and statutes to follow so that we may walk in righteousness and not sin against them! 

Psalms 119:44 And I shall Keep your Torah (law) continually forever and ever.

Following Their commandments help us to walk in the spirit and not walk in our flesh which is the carnal nature we were born in!

“I say then Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” – Gal 5:16 

Our Heavenly Father gave commandments all throughout His Torah, that shows us how to live, what we should eat, how to keep our mind and heart, and how to l with and love our brothers and sisters! These are the guidelines on how to live here on earth!

Then when Yahushua came, He gave commandments to add and align with the Heavenly Fathers commandments as well! 

“O YAHUAH, your mercy fills the earth, teach me your Statutes” – Psalms 119:64

“And now Israel, what has YAHUAH your Elohim asked of you except to fear YAHUAH your Elohim to walk in all His ways and to love Him and serve YAHUAH your Elohim with your heart and with all your soul to keep the commandments of YAHUAH and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good” – Deuteronomy 10:11-12 

Yahushua said; 

“If you love Me, you will keep MY commandments” – John 14:15

When we disobey Their commandments, we sin against Them!

With Elohim, it’s not just about do’s and don’ts. To simplify what sin is, we can look at it as missing the mark! 

So the question is, what mark are we missing? 

“For all have sinned and fall short of the GLORY of YAHUAH” – Romans 3:23 

So, as the scripture above states, we all have sinned, fell short of the Glory of YAH, we have missed the mark of His Glory, or we should be aiming to Glorify Him, which is the ultimate purpose of our lives! 

“Everyone who is called by My name and I have created him for My Glory, I have formed him” – Isaiah 43:7

So to further understand what it means to Glorify YAH, we must understand what “Glory” means.

Glory of YAH comes into effect when the invisible qualities of YAH are made visible, when we show fruits of obediences by obeying His Word, this is what brings Him Glory! 

So when we think of sin, we think of disobeying YAH. Rightfully so, but the question then comes to: how did YAH and Yahushua pick the laws of The Bible to be the laws we have to follow?

The reason why YAH picked those commands in the bible is because YAH was expressing His character through the law in the scriptures also known as the Torah! That is why David would write in the psalm, “YAH’s statutes” (character) being synonymous with His laws!

Psalms 119:9-12 By what shall a young man purify his path? To keep it according to Your Word, I have sought You with my whole heart; do not let me wander from Your Commandments. I have hidden Your Word In my heart, that I might not sin against You. blessed are you o YAHUAH teach me Your Statues” (See when you see “statues” that is synonymous with His Commandments”

“And Elohim created the man in His own image, in the image of Elohim He created him. He created them male and female” – Genesis 1:27 

So when we sin and transgress His Torah (law), we are concealing, rather than revealing, the image of YAH we were called to be in! 

That’s why it’s very important on this walk of faith that we “Be holy as He is Holy” (Lev. 19:2, 1 Peter 1:16) so we can always remain in His image!

Understanding all of the nature and history of sin helps us to know that we have the power to overcome sin, not in our strength and might but His strength that is placed in us! due to what Yahushua did on the cross!  

You are of Elohim little children and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in this world” – 1 John 4:4 

We are overcomers in Yahushua’s name! 

So the next thing in overcoming sin is confessing and admitting we trespassed against The Most High, then truly believing we are forgiven through Yahushua’s power and grace! 

Confessing sin brings what is in the dark to light! Typically when we sin, especially when we truly try to give our lives to YAH, and understand certain things we do are sin, when we do sin against Him, in our minds we tend to want to hide it. Just like Adam and Eve hid after they sinned (Genesis 3:9-10). Just like they knew, we know nothing is hidden from YAH though we still try to hide it at times. Satan tries to send thoughts to us, that we can hide it from YAH, and keep doing sin in secret and everything will be ok in doing that, but that’s a lie from the pit of hell! Every sin that we partake in, we will have to answer for it if we don’t repent!  

YAH can see all things! Nothing can be hidden from YAH (Hebrews 4:13). So He wants us to still confess our sins though He knows already, it is a way of really humbling ourselves in acknowledging our faults, then repenting and turning away from the sinful nature we are born in!

It is also good to confess our sins to one another after confessing to Elohim, so we can be held accountable by trust worthy brothers and sisters to not turn back to those sinful ways or actions!

“Confess your faults to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed” – James 5:16 

This breaks the yoke and bondages that sin puts us in! 

Truly once all of this is understood, it is VERY important to BELIEVE and RECEIVE Yahushua’s grace! 

Most believers believe that Grace gives us a license to sin and do what we want! This is not true. If we partake in sin and willfully continue after we know it is wrong, then we have to check our heart because that is rebellion! We have to repent because we have to understand that there is no more grace given once we die and get judged by Elohim. (Hebrews 9:27)! 

Grace is given to us as long as we are breathing on earth, but we can’t willfully sin and not try to turn away from it! Some things are a process, some addictions are a process in breaking free from it! There are times when we are doing really good and then slip into sin again. We can never give up on the process as every human outside of Yahushua fell short of YAH’s Glory and has partaken in sin! (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8, Ecclesiastes 7:20) 

We have to understand that it’s not about being a “perfect person”, because in this flesh we will never be “perfect”. Only until YAH changes us and we become glorified, we will then be rid of sin, temptation and evil! (1 Cor. 15:52)

Yahushua was and will always be the perfect human who walked the earth, but each day we MUST try to be like Him! He set the example! In our hearts we must try daily! Trying means some days we will fall short and may partake in sin, but we can’t be satisfied with doing that. The day we get satisfied in doing that sin, when we know it’s wrong, is when our hearts have turned away from the our Heavenly Father! We must do everything to turn from sin and live a holy lifestyle as commanded! 

Understanding all these things will help conquer ANY sin!

As we are called to be MORE than conquerers…

“Yet in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him who loved us” – Romans 8:37

Being cleansed from sin is a sanctification process that takes daily strides! Yahushua said that with Him all things are possible to overcome any sin! 

But Yahushua looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with YAH all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26 

This is Part 1 in “Overcoming Sin Series” There are other steps one must also do to really overcome sin which is a plague to the human heart! To overcome, it takes understanding about what sin is (which this blog discusses), resistance against sin, renewing and controlling the mind with the word of YAH and truly trusting YAH! The link for the other blogs will be below!

But taking heed to all of this will help to create a clean heart in which David was talking about in Psalms 51!

How to overcome Sin: Part 2A – Renewing and controlling the mind!


How to overcome Sin: Part 2B – Renewing and Controlling The Mind! (Controlling The Mind will be discussed)


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