Are you living with regret? Check out what Yahushua (Jesus) said…

Agriculture and farming was big in biblical times. To understand in full context what Yahushua (Jesus) is saying at times in His parables we have to understand what was done in farming!

Ploughing is what you see in the picture above. Ploughing is a farming tool to loosening or turning the soil before sowing seeds or planting. People probably use machinery now a days but back in the day they would tame oxen and use them to plough the field!

If one looked back while ploughing, the ox would take him in all directions messing up the entire field of crops that was planted for that year, so Yahushua is saying the same goes for those who give their life to Him and serve His Kingdom and look back!

When we keep looking back in our past we can’t serve YAH in our full capacity because we become unstable in our ways! We don’t get to enjoy what YAH has in store for our future if we keep our minds stuck on the past!

STOP looking back today! STOP living with regret! Learn to ACCEPT where YAH (God) has you in life! Accept all that you went through! Be CONTENT! We must trust YAH!

Paul said to always remember…

“And we know that ALL things work together for good to those who love YAH, to those who are the called according to His purpose” – Romans 8:28

Notice it says ALL things, so that’s EVERYTHING we went through, that got us to the point to surrender our lives to YAH, and even everything we go through on this walk of Faith serving Him, will be used for our greater good!

Understand that YAH will use ALL you went through to strengthen your character! Although you went through so much, YAH has a purpose for you in His Kingdom! Your testimony will bless many! STOP looking back and keep your eyes looking forward on Yahushua!


Are you ready to stop looking back and living in the past?

1 thought on “Are you living with regret? Check out what Yahushua (Jesus) said…”

  1. Natasha Carson

    Amen! Thank you for this reminder! It’s one we all need to remember. It reminds me of a saying I like which is “the only time we should ever look back is to see how far we’ve come” to see our growth and take it as a victory, not to dwell on the past. It reminds me of Lot’s wife looking back at Sodom, she was instructed not to look back but she did, and when she did look back she got punished and turned into a pillar of salt which is what our lives turn in to if we choose to look back, turn around or dwell on the past.

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