Who We Are

My name is Eliyahu. I am a bond servant of Yahushua (Jesus Christ) and I am the founder of YAH over Everything.

Yah put it in my spirit to change my

name to Eliyahu which means “Yah is my God”

There are many gods that people even some believers worship knowingly and unknowingly and Yah over Everything is about getting people to worship, serve and turn back to the true living Elohim Yahuah!

Yah over Everything is all about sharing the importance of keeping God first in your life and love! This site promotes having and developing a deeper intimacy with Elohim (God)! as it says in the Word of Yah, we are suppose to be married to our Creator first and foremost! (Isaiah 54:5)

It all starts with repentance, and turning away from sin and the ways of this world!

As I set myself apart from this world I want to make a few things clear as I share content on this site, I believe the Messiah Yahushua (Jesus) is coming back for Israel, and those who believe in Him are grafted into Israel and are made His Bride!

Most think because you believe in the Messiah you have to be labeled one of these "religions" or "denominations" that society labels believers! Most are condition to think we have to be in a denomination or have to be labeled a christian, “Hebrew Israelite that participate in camps” or a "black Hebrew Israelite" (who believes black people are the only ones who will be saved), Jewish, Messianic Jew, “Pentecostal” or many other denominations...

Tho I may be labeled some of these things by others, I personally consider myself what the early Apostles after the Messiah was resurrected, called themselves...

I considered myself, Set apart and a “Child of the Way”. This is what the disciples considered themselves, since they were followers of Yahushua who was the THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE! (John 14)! This is what I want to get back to and think the Body of the Messiah should get back to it as well!

I share my testimonies as well as biblical truths all according to scripture!

I believe in the Father, Son and Ruach HaKodesh aka Holy Spirit! I believe Yahushua who is known as Jesus Christ to many is the only Begotten Son of The Most High God Yahuah who is our Heavenly Father! I believe Yah sent His son to die on the cross or (some believe it was a tree or torture stake) so the world sins can be forgiven and we can be set free from the bondages of this world! (John 3:16)

I simply look at my self as a Child of Yah, who desires to follow the Messiah everywhere he goes(Rev 14:4-5), who tries to walk and live out everything written in Word of Yah, by being obedient to all Yah and Yahushua commandments! I also love Yah and Yahushua, and desire to grow closer to Them and do Their Will daily!

I do believe Yahushua is returning to gather the lost sheep of Israel (Matt 10:6, Matt 15:21-28) which has been scattered from generations, and once gathered will reign with Him! (Rev 7: Rev 14: Rev 20:4) ... Israel at a time was only people of that bloodline... but as the Bible teaches us Israel is not just people of the physical bloodline (Romans 9:6-8) but it’s the assembly of people (the church) (Matthew 16:18)who are now in the spiritual bloodline in believing in the Messiah and covering one self with His blood(Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4-5), who will become His Bride (Rev 19:7-9)

I believe in keeping the Torah (Commandments/Statues of God), as well obeying and living out the commandments Yahushua gave us! (John 14:15-17)

I believe In preaching not just the Word of Yah, but preaching the heart of Yah! The Word of Yah is eternal and part of His Holy Character! (Psalms 111:6-8)

YAHUSHUA over Everything